Ten Tips How To Eat Right in 2022

After enjoying an abundance of calorie-dense meals throughout the holidays, many of us find ourselves trying to get back on the healthy train come January. More importantly, winter is a period where our bodies are in dire need of vitamins and our immune systems weaken. Our advice? ‒ Stay warm, get plenty of sleep, and follow these ten tips for eating right this winter.

Healthy Tips For Eating

Healthy Tips For Eating

1. Add Some Variety to Your Diet

Keeping your meals balanced comes first when improving your diet. Try to include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber in your daily menu. Winter is not the best time to restrict your eating by leaving out food groups. To best support your body’s vitality, keep your plate diverse and colorful.

2. Prioritize Protein

Consuming protein should be at the top of the list when planning your meals this winter. Protein supports your body and its defenses immensely while also helping you stay energized. Lean on poultry, lean meat, probiotic-rich dairy products, eggs, and seafood. Alternatively, avoid going overboard with protein if you don’t exercise. Seek advice from a nutritionist to find the right protein intake for your lifestyle.

3. Stay Hydrated

It’s essential to drink 7-8 glasses of water a day, even in the winter. You may even notice that your skin is less dry, your nails are less brittle, and your hair is more lustrous if you keep up with your water intake. On those extra cold and dreary days, a nice cup of tea knocks two birds with one stone by warming you up and keeping you hydrated.

4. Make Green Tea Your Cozy Staple

Speaking of tea ‒ winter is the perfect time to incorporate green tea into your diet. If you suffer from the winter blues, swapping out a cup of coffee for green tea can significantly relieve stress and improve your mood. Plus, green tea lowers cholesterol and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Try your green tea with some mint and honey to make it less bitter.

5. Start Eating Fractionally (If Possible)

To stay energized and assist your body in maintaining warmth, you’ll want to keep your digestive system running throughout the day. To do this, try eating small portions every 3-4 hours. Additionally, lean towards grains and fruits in the first half of the day and protein and vegetables in the second half.

6. Enhance Flavors With Spices and Herbs

Although often underrated, spices and herbs are full of vitamins and nutrients that strengthen immunity and help digestion. Try experimenting with ginger, coriander, onion, garlic, and add a dash of nutmeg to your coffee, cereals, or yogurt.

7. Get on Board With Fruits and Nuts

Getting your hands on organic and fresh produce becomes more difficult in the winter months. To make up for the loss, start incorporating more nuts and dried fruits into your meals. Dried fruits retain almost all of the nutrients found in fresh fruits. And nuts can help maintain alertness and improve digestion, among other benefits.

8. Eat Hot Meals

Making sure that you cook your meals whenever possible can unload a lot of stress from your body in the winter. You’ll find that you digest easier and feel better overall, as your body isn’t working in overdrive to combat the harshness of winter and digest raw foods. Preparing more soups is a fantastic option for including several food groups and keeping you warm and cozy.

9. Incorporate Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Antioxidants are your body’s sidekick to fighting infection and keeping you healthy. Lean on antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts, berries, fruit drinks and purees, green tea, cocoa, and wine.

10. Lean On Seasonal Fruits and Veggies

Although grocery stores tend to keep everything in stock these days, get to know the fruits and vegetables that grow in the winter and choose them first. They’ll provide more vitamins and minerals and taste better. Winter produce includes citrus fruits, root vegetables, sauerkraut, and more.

To stay on track and eat healthy even on the busiest days, choose Mangia. We’re New York City’s prized Italian-inspired cafe, serving healthy and delicious options in-house, on the go, and for delivery.


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